Adam Barry is a professor and department head for the Department of Health Behavior at the Texas A&M University School of Public Health. Barry is a health behavior social scientist, with specific training and expertise in alcohol use, alcohol-induced impairment and intoxication. His research spans a variety of content areas associated with the assessment and measurement of alcohol-related behaviors, such as impaired driving and intoxication, protective behavioral strategies to minimize intoxication, and measurement of alcohol-related behaviors (use of single-item scales, visual cues of intoxication). He also investigates alcohol-related policies and practices, such as selling alcohol at collegiate sporting events and marketing alcohol on digital platforms. His research examining impaired driving has been previously funded by national entities such as the American Automobile Association (AAA) Foundation for Traffic Safety. Barry’s work has garnered both national and international attention. He has been a featured guest on prominent live television news programs in the United States, such as CNN, as well as the Canadian national news program, CTV. Online and print media outlets such as The New York Times, The Atlantic and the Los Angeles Times have also featured his work. Barry earned his Bachelor of Science in health, and his Master of Science in community health, both from Florida State University, and his Ph.D. in health education from Texas A&M University.
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